Xulops Forge Forge/ Xulops Forge  by Franck Hisbergue
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Apache Check by Franck Hisbergue
Apache Check is an little PHP script that checks Apache HTTP Server (or Nginx) configuration on a LAMP server (Linux-Apache-Mysql-PHP) or LEMP server (Linux-Nginx-Mysql-PHP).

Go to Apache Check's project page
Cultivons ! by Franck Hisbergue
Cultivons ! est un logiciel sous forme de site interne visant à aider à la gestion d'une BAD (Base Autonome Durable).

Go to Cultivons !'s project page
Latency Check by Franck Hisbergue
Latency Check is a little PHP script for Linux that measures latency for one or several IP addresses.

Go to Latency Check's project page