Forge Forge/ Apache Check  by Franck Hisbergue
  Connexion  -  Fr / En
Current release   Download (19.8Ko)   2022-03-01 (435 hits)

Delete apache_cmd function to use directly apachectl (bug apache config check on CentOS, RHEL 7/8)

Old releases   Download (20.9Ko)   2021-09-05 (488 hits)

Check root user by uid instead of 'root' name   Download (20.9Ko)   2021-09-04 (440 hits)

Apachecheck becomes Apache AND Nginx check
Add listen port list
Add number of active connections
Better search for inode in heavy loaded server   Download (16.9Ko)   2021-08-20 (451 hits)

Bug correction on rounded values of possible_workers for configurations with low workers   Download (17.0Ko)   2021-08-18 (419 hits)

Estimation of MySql threads memory usage by reading MySql variables
Check syntax of PHP-FPM config files
Replace all calls of which shell by internal function executable_path
Replace hostname shell call by reading /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
Bug correction if -cm options where used   Download (16.3Ko)   2021-08-16 (438 hits)

Rename of the script to skip version
Check PHP-FPM pools parameters
Ignore min_spare_servers processes of PHP-FPM if dynamic PM   Download (15.7Ko)   2021-08-14 (435 hits)

Add command line option -p to change port
Bug correction for Apache config files Include with absolute path
Add header in script with project informations
Get Apache pidfile from -V if empty in config files   Download (15.5Ko)   2021-08-11 (431 hits)

Add command lines -d -c -m options to skip disk IO, CPU or memory measures and checks
Add command lines -h -a option to display help and all Apache config files content
Add command lines -i option to not use intenet to get IP address and check for new version
Add command lines -l option to skip large log check
Check if more than one MPM module loaded
Refactoring apache command line calls to remove grep calls
Get VirtualHosts informations from -S, display results per listeing port
Check all VirtualHosts names, all ServerName and ServerAlias are presents in /etc/hosts
Remove MinSpareChild children from memory usage per Apache child and CPU usage   Download (13.9Ko)   2021-08-09 (431 hits)

Check result of Apache config files syntax
Manage backslash in Apache config files
Replace envvars immedialy when reading config files   Download (13.9Ko)   2021-08-08 (455 hits)

Check for new versions of the script
Factorisation of software version linearization
Retrieve server number of CPUs, cores, hyperthreaded cores
Add cpu usage for Apache, MySql and PHP-FPM   Download (12.9Ko)   2021-08-07 (441 hits)

Add BufferLogs parameter check
Add raw disk speed read/write
Add disk IO mesure for Apache, MySql and PHP-FPM
Add IO considerations
Refactoring search of installed modules
Rename several variables and typo corrections   Download (11.1Ko)   2021-08-06 (439 hits)

Add check on disk free space
Refactoring search on parameter files (function get_param_from_line)   Download (11.1Ko)   2021-07-31 (474 hits)

Initial release

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